Problems in your relationship?

Christmas and the New Year season brings the opportunity to spend time with friends, families and loved ones. However commercial messaging about perfect Christmases and expectation you should be part of a couple can leave people feeling isolated and disappointed.

If you are experiencing problems in your relationship, being together over the holidays can exacerbate issues. Relationships can feel strained especially if there already ongoing issues. The 5 love languages by Gary Chapman describes our individual needs and wants as 5 love languages that we need to communicate to our partners. We each put them in different orders of importance in a relationship, as we need our partner to understand what is really important to us and vice versa. These include acts of service, words of affirmations, physical touch and gifts and quality time.

Like a jigsaw puzzle when any piece is missing the puzzle is not complete i.e. if your relationship is missing any of the 5 languages we can become dissatisfied as our needs are not being met. Here at Jacqui Bennett Counselling Service these issues can be explored with the aim to find a way to get the relationship to work successfully like so that you are able to slot the final piece of the missing jigsaw puzzle in.